Tuesday 8 October 2013

What would I get rid of to improve life in the C21st? - an assignment in my English course

What would I get rid of to improve life in the C21st?

When first asked this question, my first thoughts were rather selfish. I might have said quips such as, ‘the people that urinate down my alley’ or ‘cats whose only purpose at present seems to be fluffy defecating machines.’
I might have then said the expected, such as ‘world hunger’ or ‘paedophiles,’ but the problem is, these are just acts and to me it’s like taking away Hitler, something or someone will only fill that space. A simple exercise, yet we are left with our minds becoming the House of Lords. A massive debate.
We live in a dualistic reality; to just take one thing away would end up in pandemonium. Can you imagine how dogs would feel if you took away cats? Taking away hunger, how would the greedy feel then? They have enough on their plates to deal with as it is!
You would most definitely need to hit home, hit everyone, and affect everyone individually – equally. What if you were to take away something that would affect the source at which everything is perceived?!?
From the amazing human body, the one divine possession most take for granted. The way the human body has evolved to be able to perform such elegant acts as ballet or play complex instruments to create the most amazing sounds; the way we have collectively used these bodies to create such aesthetic architecture or how individuals have regimentally sculpted their bodies to perform the most intricate of achievements.
Let’s think on a more personal level.
You could always take away peoples eyebrows, imagine that! Half of our facial expressions wiped off of the face of the earth! This would surely be humorous for a while but would serve no purpose. Let’s face it, there's teenagers at present that shave their eyebrows off and use marker pens to replace them anyway.
You could always take away teeth! It would mean we wouldn't be so aggressive for sure, but…we would surely overcome this problem, already proved once we get to old age, plus I am sure most animals would certainly keel over after a few days.
You would need to cause an effect that would pose new challenges and eliminate such evil acts; something that would bring us back from being so secular in our ways.
Knee joints? Hmmm…this would surely pose some challenges such as going uphill; it would require a skill of balance no doubt and require us to rely on one another more. Fighting would be like a game of skittles and would only end in exhaustion, but then we would still be able to create tools of mass destruction. Also this would only be as cruel as trying to eliminate such evil acts. Imagine everyone hobbling around with no kneecaps; it would result in the question - which cruel god would do such a thing!?!
You don’t want that, do you?
The thing is, the human body is the most sophisticated tool we will ever own, and we can see that we would still manage, adapt and overcome any situation presented by any abnormalities that already exist today.
The obvious answer would be to take away all knowledge, but I am sure you, ‘the reader’ are probably starting to become more aware every moment that this is a reality currently being experienced.  You are motivated every day by the fear that you do not know and your only truth you have derived is from your own experiences, and that the only ultimate truth you will ever be certain of from research is that you exist.
Imagine if you did choose to take away knowledge and start again. You would have to surely leave something all knowing, a kind of spirit that can work in the undertones of reality, a guardian angel perhaps to see you do not get lost, certain thought provoking scriptures that would trigger off awakening kind of thoughts. Maybe you would leave a book, maybe even call it a holy book of some kind as an extra safe measure.
We are currently governed by the laws of physics, my answer is to take away all information regarded by majority as knowledge. Anything else will only have a temporary cause and effect. The one thing I now know from experiencing thought on this subject, the only thing I could never get rid of no matter what, and that, if you are still left wondering, is YOU!

Thank you for this moment and choosing to include me within it.

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