Monday 18 November 2013

Creative writing exercise. Use Dialogue as a powerful way to tell a story.

I need to tell him soon!

Amor Looked at Ozward and then sat on the end of the bed.
          “Ozward, why is it, that… I have no one to talk to… that understands me? Just need someone that can give me some direction, some clarity. Why is it I only have you… I know… I know you listen Ozzy?” Amor wept.
Ozward look at her with one eye brow raised, his big dark brown love full eyes filled her with warmth. She smiled, wiped her eyes, stood up and walked towards the mirror.
          “Yes you are right, as always Ozward, I do need to tell him the truth. Do you know something, it’s all gone so far that I am not sure if I even know the truth any more myself. How would I even know he fully understands me? Yer sure, I know when I talk to him he is listening.  His very good at that, just like you Ozward.”
          She looked at Ozward through the mirror and then turned to face him again.
          “I know he is listening, but I am looking for him to say something. Give me some idea of what he is feeling, is it a good thing? Or even if it’s bad, any response will do and then I have something, I can work with that.”
          She looked back into the mirror.
          “I know you understand me, Ozward. I just know it. What would I do without you? huh!”
          She flicked her loose hair back round her ear and smiled at herself in the mirror.
          “There is light at the end of this tunnel and every cloud has a silver lining, now stop feeling sorry for ya self. Tomorrow there is another new day.”
          She then Turned and went to the window, she looked out just in time to see a shooting star.
          “Look Ozward, how beautiful. I just see a shooting star, a sign perhaps?”
          She smiled; a glow of hope that emulated the star took hold of Amor. She sprang to life and bounced back over to Ozward. She sat down next to him. Ozward placed his head underneath her chin, she reached round with her other hand and caressed just under his chin.
          “Oh Ozward. When did you get so handsome? You are such a loving dog. This is it. I can feel it; everything is going to be ok, I just know it. Tomorrow I will tell my son how I feel and the truth about that group that he is so interested in. I know he will listen, but I will say it in such a way that will demand an answer. I will tell him the group was just a stunt to gets his father’s attention. I mean… he’ll understand… right Ozward?”
          Ozward placed his head in to her lap; she continued to pat his head gently.
          “He is a forgiving boy; he’ll forgive me and understand my intent, for sure.”
          She reached over towards the bedside cabinet and picked up a picture of his father.
          “I do love and miss you, I understand now. I know that the boy needs to think for himself. I was just scared and I just hope this stunt has not ruined our relationship. I listened to what you said, didn’t I? That’s right. You informed me that fear is a good teacher. I guess if I created this for him, it would teach him and get your attention as well… deux oiseaux avec une Pierre.”
          She got under the duvet and tucked her self in, Ozward still laid on the bed.
          “Nun night, Ozward. I love you.”
          Still holding the picture, she kissed the picture of her sons’ father and then placed the picture next to her on the pillow. She closed her eyes and gently whispered.

          “Thank you.

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Thank you for reading. Feed back will help me improve.